Protein Origami
Physically Natural Sciences

Protein Origami

Proteins are essential all-rounders for all living organisms. Haemoglobin, insulin and antibodies are just a few examples. They fold into complex structures. We will explore with you how proteins function, how they change shape, form large complexes, and when this can lead to diseases such as Alzheimer's. Additionally, we will introduce you to how we can predict the structure and function of proteins using computers, specifically robots and AI.
Start 17:00 o'clock
End 00:00 o'clock

At a glance

Max-Planck-Institut für molekulare Zellbiologie und Genetik (MPI-CBG)
Max-Planck-Institut für molekulare Zellbiologie und Genetik (MPI-CBG)
1. Etage / 1st floor
Pfotenhauerstraße 108
01307 Dresden (Dresdner Süden)
Website Instagram YouTube


This science station is open continuously from 5pm to Midnight. Anyone can come at any time! Discuss with us in German and English.

Information on the event format

Presentation Participate and do it yourself Suitable for children



  • 62 (bus)
  • 64 (bus)


  • 6 (tram)


  • 62 (bus)