Pregnancy length in animals investigated with 3D organ models
Physically Natural Sciences

Pregnancy length in animals investigated with 3D organ models

The research group of Miki Ebisuya at the Cluster of Excellence Physics of Life at TU Dresden works with stem cells from various animals to find out what determines the big differences in the length of pregnancy in mice, rhino, and humans. The researchers investigate the molecular causes and physical principles behind this puzzle by growing small 3D organ models from these cells in a petri dish. Join us and observe these cells under a microscope!
Start 17:00 o'clock
End 00:00 o'clock

At a glance

Max-Planck-Institut für molekulare Zellbiologie und Genetik (MPI-CBG)
Max-Planck-Institut für molekulare Zellbiologie und Genetik (MPI-CBG)
2. Etage / 2nd floor
Pfotenhauerstraße 108
01307 Dresden (Dresdner Süden)
Website Instagram YouTube


This science station is open continuously from 5pm to Midnight. Anyone can come at any time! Discuss with us in German and English.

Information on the event format

Presentation Participate and do it yourself Suitable for children



  • 62 (bus)
  • 64 (bus)


  • 6 (tram)


  • 62 (bus)