Attractive science: Magnetism in hands-on experiments
Physically Natural Sciences

Attractive science: Magnetism in hands-on experiments

Enter the realm of magnetism! See and understand experiments with various magnetic and superconducting materials, and let massive objects hover free above the ground. Our experienced scientists explain it all to you on an understandable level, and will love to answer all your further questions.
Start 17:00 o'clock
End 00:00 o'clock

At a glance

Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HTW-Campus)
Hochfeld-Magnetlabor Dresden
HTWD Zentralgebäude
Raum S 219
Friedrich-List-Platz 1
01069 Dresden (Dresdner Altstadt)


• Flying frying pans and a real UFO: Magnetic levitation

• A magnetic fridge - Chilling magnetocaloric materials

• High-temperature superconductors on a halfpipe

• Pulsed-magnetic-field rocket – "Magnetic moonshots"

Information on the event format

Experiment Participate and do it yourself Suitable for children



  • N8 (tram)
  • 10 (tram)
  • 11 (tram)
  • 66 (bus)
  • 9 (tram)


  • N8 (tram)
  • 10 (tram)
  • 11 (tram)
  • 7 (tram)
  • 9 (tram)
  • 3 (tram)
  • 8 (tram)
  • 66 (bus)