Their creative contributions will make #LNDWDD an unforgettable experience. 

Dresden Science Night (#LNDWDD) is a unique opportunity to get actively involved in the vibrant scientific life of Dresden. As one of the highlights in Dresden's events calendar, #LNDWDD has already celebrated 21 successful editions and has become an integral part of Dresden's internationally recognised scientific landscape.

In the anniversary year , 52 organisers took part, sharing their knowledge with passion and expertise with more than 48,000 guests. An impressive 1,257 events were organised, ranging from fascinating lectures to interactive workshops. 

The #LNDWDD is more than an event - it's a platform for sharing knowledge and enthusiasm for research.

Why participate?
  • An absolute highlight: The #LNDWDD is a highlight in Dresden's event calendar and enables interactive participation in Dresden's renowned scientific landscape.
  • Diverse programme: The extremely varied programme attracts visitors of all ages.
  • Hybrid: The event can be experienced on site as well as live via digital channels.

What can we offer to help you organise?
  • Visibility: You will be recognised in the world-renowned Dresden scientific community.
  • Public Relations: We provide up-to-date, relevant and diverse public relations around the #LNDWDD.
  • Digital communication: Inclusion in digital communications about the event and Dresden's young talent and science themes, as well as regional business development.
  • Support: Participation supports the extraordinary points of contact with science and provides a link to the "Dresden - City of Science" network and youth communication.

Opportunities to get involved:
  1. Active participation: as an on-site contributor by opening your company or hosting a stand with another event organiser.
  2. Passive participation: By sponsoring with various offers.

Interested? Please contact us.