Down the loo! From the wastewater comes the light
Physically Natural Sciences

Down the loo! From the wastewater comes the light

The wastewater we produce is cleaned of the pollutants in wastewater treatment plants so that it can subsequently be returned to the natural water cycle. In the context of climate change, water, energy and resource scarcity and the increasing demands on water quality, the energy carriers and valuable substances contained in wastewater, as well as the handling of toxic eternity chemicals in the already treated water, are increasingly coming into focus. Wastewater treatment plants are therefore faced with increasingly complex tasks of wastewater treatment, recovery of valuable resources and energy recovery. This topic will be explained in more detail in the lecture. In addition, the ongoing work in CLEWATEC on possible solutions will be presented. CLEWATEC stands for CLean WAter TEChnology Lab and is particularly developing sustainable technologies for flexible and energy-efficient wastewater treatment.
Start 19:30 o'clock
End 20:00 o'clock

At a glance

Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HTW-Campus)
HTWD Zentralgebäude
Hörsaal S 239 im 1. Obergeschoss
Friedrich-List-Platz 1
01069 Dresden (Dresdner Altstadt)

Information on the event format




  • N8 (tram)
  • 10 (tram)
  • 11 (tram)
  • 66 (bus)
  • 9 (tram)


  • N8 (tram)
  • 10 (tram)
  • 11 (tram)
  • 7 (tram)
  • 9 (tram)
  • 3 (tram)
  • 8 (tram)
  • 66 (bus)