Inductive measurement techniques – experiments with liquid metals and tiny magnetic fields
Physically Engineering

Inductive measurement techniques – experiments with liquid metals and tiny magnetic fields

Several hands-on and DIY experiments invite to experience electromagnetic interactions. The scientists of the “inductive measurements” team of the Helmholtz centre Dresden-Rossendorf talk about the phenomenon of induction, share insights how they use it to obtain knowledge on flows in liquid metals and explain why inductive measurements are important for current energy transition.
Start 17:00 o'clock
End 23:00 o'clock

At a glance

Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HTW-Campus)
HTWD Zentralgebäude
Raum S 219
Friedrich-List-Platz 1
01069 Dresden (Dresdner Altstadt)


Electric currents and magnetic fields generate and influence each other. Generators, electromotors and other electric machines of our daily life use the principle of induction to drive things or generate energy. Maybe you have an induction furnace at home yourself or use a dynamo to light your bicycle. Both applications are induction-based.
We investigate inductive measurement techniques and use them to achieve knowledge on liquid metal flows and improve industrial processes as e.g. steel casting or generation of hydrogen by electrolysis. Future technologies as energy harvesting by fusion can be made more secure by inductive measurement techniques.
We invite all age groups from kids to adults to experience the interplay of electric currents and magnetism through our hands-on experiments. We explain our current research topics that include the contactless detection of gas bubbles or magnetic particles in fluids as well as the determination of complete liquid metal flows, all based on the principle of induction. Additionally we measure the earth’s magnetic field strength in Dresden live – you will be amazed how much it is fluctuating, even though you cannot feel it.
We are looking forward to meet you at our booth on HTW campus!

Information on the event format

Experiment Participate and do it yourself Suitable for children



  • N8 (tram)
  • 10 (tram)
  • 11 (tram)
  • 66 (bus)
  • 9 (tram)


  • N8 (tram)
  • 10 (tram)
  • 11 (tram)
  • 7 (tram)
  • 9 (tram)
  • 3 (tram)
  • 8 (tram)
  • 66 (bus)