Sputtering, printing, flashing – The Innovation Lab BlitzLab introduces itself
Physically Engineering

Sputtering, printing, flashing – The Innovation Lab BlitzLab introduces itself

The BlitzLab researches the ultra-short-term annealing of surfaces to save energy and coat temperature-sensitive materials. Experience the possibilities of using the flash lamp for electronic materials at the experimental stand.
Start 17:00 o'clock
End 00:00 o'clock

At a glance

Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HTW-Campus)
HTWD Zentralgebäude
Raum S 216
Friedrich-List-Platz 1
01069 Dresden (Dresdner Altstadt)


Various demonstrations will be shown where flashbulb technology is used. Furthermore, a flash will be simulated, which visitors can trigger themselves. A clip with real flash tests will also be shown.

Information on the event format

Experiment Participate and do it yourself Suitable for children



  • N8 (tram)
  • 10 (tram)
  • 11 (tram)
  • 66 (bus)
  • 9 (tram)


  • N8 (tram)
  • 10 (tram)
  • 11 (tram)
  • 7 (tram)
  • 9 (tram)
  • 3 (tram)
  • 8 (tram)
  • 66 (bus)